May 25, 2007

  • What--do 5 year-olds buy cars?

    My job requires that I spend a good amount of time at car dealerships everyday. One thing that has always bothered me is all the crazy shit dealers do to the cars in their parking lots like ginormous balloons tied to ribboned ropes and the such. I mean, is that going to be the thing that makes John Q Public say "YES! I want THAT car!" Balloons??

    ((Lady in the back says "It's to catch people's attention."))

    Riiiight. Because the five acres of identical vehicles isn't a clue. And besides, what percentage of the population is in the position to drive la-la-la through town and then "Hey, are those cars for sale? I want one!"? Pretty much every person who goes to buy a car goes to the dealership with intention; they don't need to balloons to guide them there.